6.-8.Sept 2019, STWST48x5, the fifth edition of STWST’s annual extravaganza 48 hour showcase, held in conjunction with Ars Electronica, announces STAY UNFINISHED as its thematic approach this year. STAY UNFINISHED aims to look at the art of the past and the projects of today. It’s about history and now, it’s about process and transformation. It’s about not being finished, not getting finished, and mostly about moving forward, and thinking ahead.

A snapshot of Ohanda One project was presented during the 48h showcase as a part of Unfinished Utopia track. As it is fair to assume most of the audience everywhere hears about O1 for the first time, the short presentation captured a bit of the history of the project followed by the dream and arguments for recruiting new interest for the project.
While we did not sell any tickets for the virgin journey of the vessel or even get volunteers for joining the design process, the event itself was a great success, the near 100-people capacity of the room was packed. Hopefully, we left an impression of the importance of utopian or semi-utopian projects to tickle the full potential of human creativity. If our own expectations are mediocre, safe and easily achievable, those qualities will define also our achievements as a culture. Let’s go beyond and stay unfinished.
See the full presentation here.
STADTWERKSTATT has been an art, club, and autonomous structure since 1979. As an early adopter in the context of new media and media art, the place has a history of meaningful projects since the 1980s. STWST48x5 STAY UNFINISHED in cooperation with ARS ELECTRONICA