AHOD I – All Hands On Deck!

Rendered 1:1 true-to-scale representation of the shiplet by Tuomo Tammenpää in August 2024.

Preparing for a simulation / summer camp for an enacted journey on Ohanda One 2025

Ohanda.One is a long-term utopian science fiction (project) played out by an international, transdisciplinary group of Open Knowledge Enthusiast, designing, building and operating a futuristic zero emission ocean vessel. The vessel will host about 150 to 200 people for traveling passages across all oceans. It will be the starting point for a greater fleet. Besides hosting people for transport, each vessel will serve as a mobile collaborative working space, fab-lab and creative research platform. While traveling on board and maintaining their own topics, people can also work and learn together and be part of a greater collaborative and creative team. Ideally there will be no passengers but only participants. In addition each vessel will host a permanent ocean lab and international research platform for addressing the current crises of our oceans and the entire planet within open knowledge systems, including open data and formats.

The project will draw together an international group of open knowledge oriented cultural, artistic, scientific, academic, maritime and environmental organizations and individuals to improve sustainable seafaring and ocean research. It gathers strong voices from the Open Science community and creates stories and cultural engagements around environmental issues, that have the ability to bring discourse of sustainability issues to a wider audience as well as locating new technologies and practices in sustainable sea faring.

The Ohanda.One project itself is a Free and Open Source project that focuses on open knowledge and aims to fire people’s imagination, curiosity and creativity. The project was initiated by Tuomo Temmenpää and Juergen Neumann following up on their conjoint work on ramping-up the Open Hardware and Design Alliance – OHANDA. It was first introduced to the public at the Gathering for Open Science Hardware GOSH at CERN in March 2016. The first iteration, Ohanda One.01 – aka the “shiplet” – is a 1:100 working scale prototype of the ship, but also just a symbol for the greater plan and bigger picture.

AHOD I is supposed to be the next open space gathering on this journey which opens the ideation and dreaming of the platform for a selected audience, invoking you to join us to work on any of these related topics:

• Self-Sustaining Systems
How to improve self-sustainability for life on board the ship (bio-sphere)?

• Green Tech
How can we improve the ship design (hydrodynamics, sailing/drive, energy consumption/production, material, etc.)?

• Social Life
What are the rules for the social life, co-existence and collaboration on board? What are the duties and freedoms in that shared space? How to agree on that? What power structures are needed and how and by whom are they executed?

• Design
What are the assumptions for the vessel design? How would we imagine the interior design and clothes? What are the fundamental requirements? What could cabins and social and work spaces and labs look like?

• Open Toolchain
What are the free/libre open source tools and data formats we need to “open source” the entire process – from ideation to operation?

• Ownership and Funding
What ownership structure would we prefer? Where does the money come from? co-op vs. company?

• Project Administration and Continuity
What are the next steps for a roadmap towards Ohanda.One? Who’s in charge?

Prep-camp venue
Kulturhus Björkboda, Kimitoön, Finland

Kimitoön region, Archipelago Sea

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 I accept that ohanda.one will provide me with fitful updates.
