Prototype Plumbing

In July 2017 after a long night full of ideas and slipslop in Berlin Tuomo and I ended up with the plan to take the SWATH design to the max and modify the concept to just a deck above the surface carried by a three-tube underwater submarine platform. The center tube would later be the[…]


Dilettante Design Deep Dive

Looking at how commercial sailing fleets have developed after the introduction of the first steam-powered ocean liners in the middle of the 19th century is quite impressive. Within a few decades and latest with the armament of the First World War the great clippers and windjammers simply just disappeared. A new fossil fuels burning technology[…]


Delusions of Grandeur @CERN

CERN is surely one of the most exciting places on earth for those who share any interest in science and the vision of international collaboration and openness. And besides that it is also well known for some sort of megalomania, hosting the largest “thing” in the world – the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). So when[…]


The Derivation of Ohanda One

OHANDA ONE sprout from the Open Hardware And Design Aliance (OHANDA), which was first drafted at the GOSH! Summit (Grounding Open Source Hardware) at Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta in July 2009. The idea behind OHANDA was to foster the sustainable sharing of open hardware and design by transferring the principles of Copyleft to the[…]
