Deck Construction – Part 1

To keep the center of mass low while hovering above the water surface, the deck construction should be as lightweight as possible. At the same time it is the fastening of the masts and servos with fixing points for the vertical and edge-gated fin pylons. Therefore the construction needs a certain level of mechanical stability. The material of choice for these requirements clearly is carbon fiber. Luckily one finds a great variety of profiles in well-assorted crafts shops these days.

For better maintainability we want the deck platform to be removable from the hull. To start with we plan the future connection points for the masts and the edge-gated pylons between nose and tail which we drill in aluminum profile auxiliary rails.

Sketch of attachment points for the deck contruction.

Next we build bearing connections on the nose and tail pylon.

Building of the nose construction with cable bushing and aluminum carrier for carbon fiber rods.
Aluminum carrier with carbon fiber rods on front pylon.
Building the tail construction with aluminum profile auxiliary rails.

Next we build the carbon fiber framework with the help of the auxiliary rails.

We plank the framework with 0,3 mm polystyrene boards.

Planked inner and outer framework with caskets for the servos. (Spot the error! /o\)
Mounted deck construction from tail.
Details with casket cut-out during building phase.
Unmounted deck construction.
