Author: Jürgen Neumann
Shooting the Spring Awakening …
… and waiting for the colors (and sails!).
Closure of the Topless Deck
After we planked the outward flat top of the deck with 0,5 mm ABS, it is now time for building the rounded deck cover profiles. Thanks to the marvelous invention of 3d printers, we prepared (printed) a set of supporting archs (green), which will be the starting point for our construction. Sidewise the archs will[…]
Fin-Formed Pylons with Bended Balloon Blow Pipes
The shiplet’s deck is mounted on 9 fin-formed pylons, 3 edge-gated on each side connected to the under water side tubes and another three in the middle of the deck, connected to the nose, center and tail of the central hull. We also use fin-formed shapes for the flapping stabilizers and other horizontal connections. It[…]
Deck Construction – Part 2
Even though the shiplet’s deck is supposed to hover above the waterline and to never even touch it, we thought it might be a good idea to design it like a ship itself, which will swim (… just in case …). After finalizing the carbon fiber framework we plank the rounded floor section with 0,5[…]
Wind Weighing Pivoted Mast Support
Using the wind as a driving power for the shiplet requires of course some sort of sail – a field of design with a lot of interesting developments and alternatives these days, be it Flettner rotors, (inflated) wing sails, DynaRigs, kites and other concepts. In an early stage of the project the Flettner rotor was[…]
Energy = Mass
Clearly Einstein would not agree that energy equals mass unless we multiply the latter with c². But in case of the shiplet we appreciate that we do not have to consider higher spheres of physics when it comes to shifting the center of gravity a little further down the hull and add a ballasted keel[…]
Deck Construction – Part 1
To keep the center of mass low while hovering above the water surface, the deck construction should be as lightweight as possible. At the same time it is the fastening of the masts and servos with fixing points for the vertical and edge-gated fin pylons. Therefore the construction needs a certain level of mechanical stability.[…]
Nevermore Cable Spaghetti!
When wiring a 40 pin microcrontroller with all additional electronic components on breadboards we were constantly fighting not to end up in a big mess. Thanks to Dirk’s great experience after several iterations we achieved a very well working design, but loose connections became an increasing disturbance of the experimental setup. High time to tidy[…]
Flapping Fins
To balance the numerous variables that change quickly, like gusts of wind, waves, ship motion, draft, etc. we will use four active horizontal fin stabilizers. The fins are pivoted on the carbon fibre rods between central hull and side tubes. They are supposed to trim the vessels position in the water with fast reactions, before[…]